DGM Studio - Tax & Law Firm , alongside the traditional assistance in accounting, tax and corporate matters, has gained significant experience in assisting customers in the start-up phase and in operating in foreign markets, in particular, the Asian ones .
The founding associates, in particular, boast privileged multi-year professional relationships with professional and institutional partners from China, United Arab Emirates and Singapore.
Moreover, thanks to the consolidated relationship with professionals in the finance and IT sector, the Firm offers tailor-made online training and consultancy in relation to specific topics of interest.
We invite you to view information on the services offered and contact us for any clarification.
Areas of activity
Internationalization of companies
For several years now the firm’s professionals have been assisting Italian entrepreneurs who want to operate abroad, offering direct or indirect operating support, thanks to a consolidated network of local partners, in the following areas:
international tax planning;
accompany projects to enter foreign markets;
opening of branches abroad and their domiciliation;
providing advise on legal and contractual matters;
providing advice on customs matters;
supporting participation in foreign trade fairs and business missions, both in Italy and abroad;
website design and implementation of cross border e-commerce (also web marketing activities).
We follow companies interested in any foreign market, but we have acquired specific knowledge of some countries, in particular China, United Arab Emirates and Singapore, where we operate also with the operational support of local partners, also institutional ones.
Capital planning and Trusteeship
Starting from an analysis of the client's needs and objectives, collected through special sessions, we proceed, also in collaboration with trusted professionals (lawyers, notaries, foreign tax advisors, financial advisors) with:
planning, in an optimal manner, the capital structure in its various components (real estate, movable property, capital goods, liquidity), taking due account of the fiscal impact of the various instruments used;
managing the client's assets;
monitoring, constantly, whether appropriate changes in the capital structure are required, in accordance with the client's changed requirements or the general situation;
taking up the position of Trust Company administrator.
Start-ups / innovative start-ups and PMI/SME
The firm offers advice, qualified assistance and training to start-ups, innovative start-ups and innovative SMEs in relation to all legal and operational aspects of interest.
Reference is made, particularly, to the following areas:
choice of the suitable organizational and accounting structure;
mechanisms of work for equity;
national and international tax planning;
tax relief (contributions/tax deduction);
business plan and relations with banks;
assistance finalized to the listing on the Italian Stock exchange assigned segment.
Legal & Compliance Area
We offer consulting services in the field of Corporate Compliance (in particular Security, Privacy, Safety, Anti-Money Laundering, ISO Certifications, Cyber Security and NIS Directive in collaboration with our Partners).
Public tenders
The firm offers a periodic monitoring service, which deals with public tenders, subsidized financing and contributions applicable to the particular case represented by the client.
It also offers to assist clients in relation to the access procedure to the tax benefit, interacting with the appointed institutional bodies.
Corporate Finance and Management Control
The Firm supports businesses in the definition of the corporate-finance monitoring tools, in compliance with the provisions in ”Nuovo codice della crisi d'impresa” D.L.12.1.2019 n.14, in force since 16.3.2019, requiring entrepreneurs to adopt appropriate measures and an organizational structure suitable for detecting crisis situations and timely adopting appropriate initiatives.
The Firm also supports entrepreneurs in monitoring their business profitability by means of:
the establishment of a suitable system of management control;
the implementation of a dashboard according to the Client's needs;
regular monitoring of economic, financial and tax data, both estimate and final ones, with supply of periodical reports.
Finally, the Firm supports those entrepreneurs who need external finance sources by:
seeking notices for subsidized financing public tenders;
getting in touch with private and institutional investors;
supporting the definition of the financial instruments most suitable to specific needs.
The Firm offers qualified advice, assistance and training, also by means of our network professionals, in relation to the multiple operational aspects of interest of those companies that intend to sell on-line (also abroad).
In particular:
definition of e-commerce operating procedures:
drop shipping (private sales);
use of Third-Party platform: Amazon, etc.;
creation of one's own e-commerce site.
definition of legal and contractual aspects;
definition of national and international aspects.
Corporate taxation, tax credit certification and due diligence
The Firm offers a wide range of services to respond to any kind of business tax needs.
It guarantees expert and qualified assistance in the release of accountant certification needed for getting tax credits, according to the Italian tax legislation.
Moreover, we offer businesses our specialized support in extraordinary transactions, realizing legal and tax due diligence as part of them.